Knob Woodworm

Design and Copyright : 芦ヶ原伸之 (NOB Yoshigahara).

A7/248 B7/322 C7/260 D7/246
E7/378 F7/587 G7/591 H7/253
I7/373 J7/584 1 worm
PiecesSelectionGoalHolesSolutionsinside the worm
11complete 4×4×40431without A or B
4×4×40281without C or E
4×4×4036 (18)0without D
4×4×4013813without F or G
4×4×40839without H or I
4×4×4028 (14)2 (1)without J
A Compendium of Cube-Assembly Puzzles using Polycube Shapes

Nov 22, 2001 by k16@chiba.email.ne.jp